Blog 6. Analysis and Conclusion

After analysing my results, Blumer’s ‘Uses and Gratifications theory’ can be applied. The project reflected that individuals have many uses for social media: to keep up to date with friends via instant message, to have information about local community groups, and to brows through many a profile. My research also reflected Bertel’s findings with his ‘check in’ theory amongst the Danish youth, that most Facebook users don’t broadcast their location via the ‘check in’ function.

Conducting my own research worked well, as the questionnaires provided some in-depth answers as to how the use of social media has changed over time. My autoethnography reflected similar findings to the questionnaires. To improve my project, I would possibly do a longer questionnaire, to have specific answers. If I was to redo this research project, I would conduct focus groups with a mix of people ranging from 18-40 and try to find any similarities and common trends in how beneficial Facebook is.

Completing this project has taught me that social media is ingrained into people’s daily lives. Most people use it as something to pass the time, or to keep in touch with others.

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